Your vehicle’s clutch links your engine to its transmission, causing the engine’s motion to be transmitted to the transmission. Although your clutch is designed for maximum durability, its components can wear down over time. Heavy strains can significantly impact the longevity of your vehicle’s clutch, but most clutches can last as long as 50,000 to 80,000 miles.
In order to determine if your clutch needs to be replaced, you should pay close attention to how it feels when you engage it. Acceleration hesitation, changes in clutch height during the engagement process and changes in perceived power during hauling are all signs that your clutch is in need of replacement. If you feel any of these signs while driving, call Miami Valley Truck Center to set up an appointment. Our team can diagnose your problem and provide an accurate estimate.
If you need clutch repairs, call Miami Valley Truck Center today. We have the best and most experienced team in Monroe and will have you back on the road in no time. We look forward to serving you!
Miami Valley Truck Center 1001 Baker Drive Monroe, OH 45050
Feel free to call or email us to schedule your next appointment.
Phone Number: (513) 539-2200
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Monday thru Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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Miami Valley Truck Center 1001 Baker Drive Monroe, OH 45050 Phone Number: (513) 539-2200 Email Us